Julie's Business You

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Same Jacket, Different Journey: Reflecting on 25 Years of Growth

Same or Different?

I recently moved. In some ways, it’s been fun. Like when you find an article from the local paper in 1996 and realize you still have “that” jacket. So, you recreate your youth.

It's a fun point of reflection.

What's the Same?

  • I still have the jacket (washed and ready for wear).

  • I still have yellow dogs.

  • I still have my ongoing love for biking and cycling that started when I was a kid building BMX and forest trails with my brother and his friends, and was followed by my love to cycle everywhere as a teen.

  • I still have my desire to be outside. At least once a day I need the fresh air on my face for an hour. It's my medicine.

  • And, fundamentally, my values. Health, authenticity, nature, being kind, making a difference in the world. I am still a version of my 21-year old self.

What's Different?

  • Pretty much everything else.

  • The helmet first of all. After 20 years in rehabilitation, I don't go anywhere on my bike without that.

  • The intensity of my cycling is certainly different. I smell the roses on my bike more and eat bugs and face plant less.

  • And the general fact that I am a different person.

Embracing Change and Growth

You can't navigate over 25 years of life and change without appreciating the new version of yourself. Relationships, babies (turned adults), moving several times, jobs (good and bad ones), merging, building and selling businesses, leading, losses, grief, education. And the people. The so many people who have gotten on and off the Julie bike trail of life.

Let's Navigate Together

Where is your bike taking you? Who is on your trail? Who needs to get off? How are you reflecting on your own path? Are you in control of tomorrow's decisions? Do you want to be?

Your business can be what you want it to be. It can take you where you want it to. You can decide your income and lifestyle. I have done it, you can too.

I can help.