Do You Need Coaching, Training, or Consulting?

Business Coaching

Coaching is a conversation technology. It’s not just us chatting. It’s you downloading your thoughts and being asked about how you might need to think about your challenges and opportunities in new and innovative ways.
  • Coaching is a conversation technology. It’s not just us chatting. It’s you downloading your thoughts and being asked about how you might need to think about your challenges and opportunities in new and innovative ways. Trained coaches like myself master the art of conversation and these are carefully crafted to bring you insights that move you forward. If you want to lead yourself, and hence your business and your teams most effectively, consider coaching.

    The product in coaching is your confidence, self-awareness, and personal growth.

  • Coaching

    Dedicated, consistent, and impactful. Work with me weekly or bi-monthly to build your business compass and start forging your new path.

    Performance and Career
    This series focuses on developing a personal plan, analyzing your strengths and finding your flow to optimize time use, career goals, and designing your ideal future.


    One Page Strategic Plan
    Work together to create a 1-3-5-year plan to catapult your business.

    Succession Planning
    All great leaders need to have, and communicate, a plan for their transition from the business. Whether a departure is intentional or emergent, thoughtfully prepare your business for this.

    Sales and Profitability Planning
    Many owners focus on the need to drive revenue. I can show you the Way to Wealth as a method of increasing sales and profits.

Ready to learn more? 

Fill out a quick questionnaire to express your interest. From there, we can set up a call to go over your options for coaching.

Individual and Team Training

Training is providing you and your team with new skills, resources, or tools that you may not currently have. Training delivers practical and useful improvement in areas of business importance.
  • Training is providing you and your team with new skills, resources, or tools that you may not currently have. It’s education provided over sessions, days or weeks, and in-person or online. It allows people to learn in ways that are dynamic, fun, and brings teams and organizations together for successful and mutual outcomes.

    Training delivers practical and useful improvement in areas of business importance.

  • Ontario Job Grant

    If eligible, use available government funding to build the skills of your employees or team to apply business strategy, achieve growth, develop efficiencies, maximize sales, and become future leaders.

    Customized Organizational Training

    Customize a training program to address the pain points of your business which may include time or change management, employee mindset, organizing and prioritizing workflow, goal setting, and others!

    Navigational Conversations

    A course that teaches leaders and those in helping professions to have coaching conversations that facilitates growth, encourages independent problem-solving, and restructures dialogue to move teams and people forward.

    Positive Intelligence

    Reframe your thinking towards positivity through a 6-week structured mental fitness program.

    Assessment Suite

    DISC Profile

    Understand your communication style, and that of your teams. Use this information to collaborate more effectively and to leverage the unique personalities and abilities of those around you to achieve better outcomes.

    DISC + Talent Insights, EQi, Driving Forces

    Elevate DISC by including other elements of performance including talents, emotional intelligence, and those forces that drive your success.

Let’s talk about your training needs.

Not sure where to begin? Get started by filling out the contact form and scheduling a discovery call with Julie. 

Business Consulting

Consulting is giving you the answers. Its diving into problems and finding solutions that you may or may not know how to develop on your own.
  • Consulting is giving you the answers. Its diving into problems and finding solutions that you may or may not know how to develop on your own. When you hire a consultant you want someone who knows the answers, or who has done what you are trying to do. Consulting is often time-limited and very project or problem based.

    Consulting delivers a product. Something tangible that you or your team can consider or action.

  • Fractional COO

    If you want or need the input of a COO but are not ready to hire a full-time senior leader, consider COO consulting for an operational audit, workflow reorganization, to develop metrics and reporting mechanisms, and to align your people in the right roles and tasks based on business needs.

    Team Strategic Planning

    Working with you and your team to develop a vision and strategic plan that will propel your business and focus your efforts for the next 1-5 years.

    Organizational Planning

    Working together to restructure and reorganize your company’s staffing, team, and leadership needs.

Ready to learn more?

Fill out a quick questionnaire to express your interest. From there, we can set up a call to go over your options for consulting.

How the Process Works for You


Discovery Call.

We’ll chat for 15-20 minutes to explore what you are searching for.


Business You Review.

We will spend 1 hour diving into what’s possible for you.


Let’s Go!

Tomorrow can start today. Let’s book our time together.

Questions before getting started?