Julie's Business You

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Easy as 1-2-3: Three Keys to Success in Life and Business

Revised from Coach Phil Gilkes

Simplifying Success: The 1-2-3 Approach

Is overthinking getting in your way? Try these three behavior hacks for your business and your life.

1. Write it Down: Harnessing the Power of Handwriting

There are neuropathways activated when handwriting that are not when typing. Writing can be the magical formula for clarity of thought, inspiration, and organizing a cluttered mind. Have a notepad by the bed, in your office, the car, or where you enjoy your coffee and jot notes, items to do, or things to clear your head.

Daily Tip: Prioritize with Precision

Take a piece of paper and write down everything you intend to do. Include your plans to eat a healthy lunch and workout, prepare dinner for you and your family, every detail. Then organize the paper by asking yourself: “If I could only do one thing on this list today, which one thing would it be?” And if I could only do two things, the second and the third?

When you start first thing in the morning, start with number one, and discipline yourself to work only on number one until it’s complete. Then move on to number two and so on.

2. Break Free from Email Overload

Email creates lost time as it pulls you from the tasks you must focus on. Have you ever noticed that the fewer emails you send, the fewer you get? Think about how much you are engaging in that circular pattern. Likewise, keep your phone from distracting you until you get through your essential daily tasks.

3. Cultivate a Restful Mind for Success

Going to bed with a million things in your head is not a recipe for a sound sleep. Get your gym clothes out, make a healthy lunch. Then, write down your lists of goals and tasks. This will tap into your superconscious mind, clear your head for sleeping, and create a pattern of success for tomorrow.

Unlocking Your Path to Success

Witness the seamless integration of these three key principles into your daily routine and experience the transformative impact on both your personal and professional life. Embrace simplicity, focus, and clarity as you embark on your journey towards lasting success and fulfillment.