How Do You Measure Up?

Balance in your life brings you a competitive edge.

My coaching program focuses on the four main areas of balance that can be measured and adjusted in a structured coaching relationship:

Business and Career

One exceptional value for gauging your business and career is to consider your personal hourly rate. Your hourly rate is your income divided by 2,000. So, if you earn $100,000 per year, your hourly rate is $50. This is important to understand so you can properly align your time and resources. A simple question to ask yourself is: would I pay someone this hourly rate (i.e. $50/hour) to do this task? If the answer is no, it’s time to reevaluate.

Health and Fitness

Looking at your health and fitness can be subjective: how do you feel? Do you have energy and vigor to do the things you want and need to do? Are you working on your health and fitness goals? Or, the measure could be more objective. Is your weight changing in a healthy or unhealthy way? How about your blood pressure? Resting heart rate? Ability to lift, reach, or jump as much as you could previously?

Family and Personal Life

These can also be subjective or objective. Are you pleased with the breadth and depth of your relationships? Are you able to be present during personal interactions? Or objectively, how much time are you spending with the people you care most about? Do you have regular commitments with them that you keep?

Money and Investments

Subjectively you can measure the quality of your spending and your relationship with money. Or, you can objectively look at your expenses over earnings (your burn rate), or your overall net worth. Are these trending positively?

Using a Diamond Map

An easy way to gauge these measures is through a simple diamond map. Plot all these things on a graph and give them a ranking. Then ponder. Which is the lowest? Why? What can you do to change that?

Get out a pen and paper and draw your diamond map. What needs your attention?

Want to learn more? Let’s connect.

Adapted from “Clarity 1.3 Identify Your Starting Point” by FocalPoint Coaching and Training Excellence, Copyright 2018, by Brian Tracy and Campbell Fraser. Reprinted with permission.


Julie Entwistle MBA, BSc (OT), BSc.

Julie Entwistle is an ICF Associate Certified Coach who works with business owners and professional service providers.

Julie helps her clients by building their business YOU - confidence so they can run, grow, and develop legacy practices that are focused and optimally successful. Julie knows that when professional service businesses do better, their clients also benefit. She knows this because she was one! Prior to becoming a coach, Julie was an independent owner of her own healthcare business before successfully merging, growing, and selling the practice. As an owner Julie had her own business coach, and this was a key element in her success.

Academically, Julie has degrees in Health Studies and Gerontology and Health Science (Occupational Therapy) from the University of Waterloo and McMaster, respectively, and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier. She attended Queens University as a part-time Doctorate student prior to discontinuing her studies in 2023. Julie is also a Chartered Director and has Board and governance experience.

Julie grew up in a franchise family, so business is in her DNA. She has raised four daughters who are off writing their own stories as young adults. Julie is active and fit with a black belt in Karate, a competitive golf game, and enjoys many other sports. She believes in authenticity, showing kindness to all living things, and is happiest when helping others to build their own wealth and wellness.

Find Julie on LinkedIn at:

Strategic Planning for You and Your Business


The Magic of Metrics