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Goals Achieved: Your Superconscious Mind

“Any thought, plan, goal or idea — whether positive or negative — held continuously in your conscious mind must be brought into reality by the superconscious mind.”
~ Brian Tracy

Our Minds Have Three Levels of Consciousness.

  1. The conscious mind identifies, compares, and analyzes data to make decisions.

  2. Your subconscious mind stores and receives information and obeys the conscious mind.

  3. Your superconscious mind functions outside both of these but is accessed through them.

Let’s focus on the superconscious mind. This is the land of pure creativity. This is where invention and breakthroughs come from. It is the source of all inspiration.

So, How Does the Superconscious Mind Operate?

Well, it draws on all the information from your other minds, leveraging what it knows to be true. It also accesses the collective unconscious and draws on ideas beyond your current experience.

The amazing thing about this mind is it operates all the time. All that is required of you is, first: state the goal or problem clearly; second: relax and have trust and faith in this natural law; and third: stay the course, never wavering, never doubting, never retreating, or quitting.

How do you Know the Superconscious Mind has Gotten to Work?

  1. When the answer comes to you, it is 100% complete and at least its initial steps are always within your resources and capabilities.

  2. The answer appears to be a blinding flash of the obvious. The solution seems so evident that you often wonder why you hadn’t thought of it before.

  3. A superconscious solution is always accompanied by a burst of energy — a feeling of elation that makes you want to act.

Putting Theory Into Practice

Sound like hocus-pocus? Perhaps try it first. You can do this by writing down your goals clearly, research and read about what you want, and get to work. When there are seemingly unsolvable problems in your path, calmly turn them over to the superconscious mind and let it go. Watch the answers arrive.

Want to learn more? Let’s connect.

Adapted from “Clarity 1.12 The Superconscious Mind” by FocalPoint Coaching and Training Excellence, Copyright 2018, by Brian Tracy and Campbell Fraser. Reprinted with permission.