Julie's Business You

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The 10 Goal Method

All successful people are intensely goal oriented. They are focused on achieving what they decide to pursue. Setting goals is the master skill of success.

The Great Law is that you become what you think about most of the time. Whatever you think about continuously emerges in your reality.

In contrast, unsuccessful people think about what they don’t want and what they fear most of the time.

Luckily, the strategies to goal achievement are well known. These include:

  1. Write your goals down daily.

  2. Use first person and present tense.

  3. Write positively with active verbs.

  4. Write ten goals or more if you wish.

Then, add to these using the SMART acronym. Be Specific, make them Measurable, have values Alignment, ensure they are Realistic, and Time-limited.

Here are a few examples: “I have a net worth of $1M in 2025” or “I vacation away from home with family 4 weeks a year.”

You can start this reflection and process by thinking about your five core values, reflecting on how you would spend your time if you had 6 months to live, what you would do if you won a windfall, what you have always wanted to do but haven’t, and what gives you the greatest sense of accomplishment and meaning.

Turn the reflection and the goal process into 10 solid and SMART goals. Then, watch how magnetizing this becomes for how you spend your time, energy, and focus.

Want to learn more? Let’s connect.

 Adapted from “Clarity 1.11 The 10 Goal Method” by FocalPoint Coaching and Training Excellence, Copyright 2018, by Brian Tracy and Campbell Fraser. Reprinted with permission.