This blog is about wellness – in business and life.
Here you will find my true and authentic self: occupational therapist, MBA, seller of a business, owner of a business, mother of four humans, six pets, tons of plants, and whose passion for the outdoors, health, and fitness drives a life of wellness.
I provide business coaching, training, and consulting to help motivated individuals to achieve results.

Mindstorming: Problem Solving and Goal Making Magic
Explore the transformative power of mindstorming in problem-solving and goal-setting. Learn how to unlock your creative potential and generate innovative solutions by employing the mindstorming method. Discover practical steps for applying this technique to achieve your most important goals and overcome challenges in your personal and professional life.

The Sigmoid Curve
Explore the lifecycle of businesses represented by the Sigmoid Curve, from learning to growth to decline, and learn how to navigate each phase for long-term success. Discover strategies for overcoming challenges and sustaining growth in your entrepreneurial journey.

Getting Out of Your Own Way
Learn how to identify and overcome personal and professional constraints to improve productivity and achieve success. Explore strategies for analyzing internal barriers and unlocking your full potential for greater effectiveness and fulfillment.

Your Customers and What They Want
Explore the importance of understanding your customers' needs and preferences for business success. Learn how to differentiate between internal and external customers, identify high-value customers, and optimize resource allocation to maximize growth opportunities.

All About Your Competition
Gain insights into understanding and leveraging your competition for business success. Explore strategies for studying your competitors' strategies, strengths, and weaknesses to identify opportunities for differentiation and growth.

The Business You Are In
Gain clarity on defining your business by understanding the impact of your products and services on your customers and stakeholders. Explore strategies for aligning your business with your vision and ambitions, and learn how to pivot effectively to meet future challenges and opportunities.